Selasa, 29 April 2014


Nama        : Hendah Lahyunita
Kelas        : 3EB08
NPM         : 23211278
Tugas       : Bahasa Inggris Merangkum

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Subject & Verb Agreement

·         EACH AND EVERY
Untuk kalimat seperti ini diawali “Each/Every” diikuti dengan “Singular Noun” lalu “Singular Verb”

Ø  Each            Singular       Singular 
Every           Noun            Verb

          Sing             Sing        

-      Each book in Library is very interisting
S               V         C
(people = singular noun, is = to be)

-      Evry girl and boys are in the class
(girl and boy = singular noun, is = singular verb)

Jika tidak terdapat “verb” maka bisa diganti dengan “to be”

·         Subjek yang diikuti PREPOSITIONAL PHRASE, verb singular/plural ditentukan oleh subjeknya.

-      The historical book on that table is insteresting
Sing S                        Sing V
(the historical book = singular subject, is = singular verb)

-      The fruit price at those markets is cheap
Sing S                                  Sing V
(the fruit = Plural Subject, is = plural verb)

·         Gerund sebagai subjek, verb harus singular
-      Eating vegetables is good for your health
(eating = gerund, is = singular verb)

-      Walking in the park is relaxing
(walking = gerund, is = singular verb)

          Some of
          A lot of                     singular noun => verb singular
          Most of                     plural noun => verb plural
          A half of

-      Some of books are hers (plural)
-      Most of our assignment is easy ( singular)         

One of                      selalu diikuti
Each of                     plural noun => verb singular    
Every one of
-      One of my friends is her

Plural           singular
Noun            noun

·         The Number Of, A Number Of
The Number Of diikuti “Plural Noun” kemudian “singular verb”
A Number Of diikuti “Plural Noun” kemudian “Plural Verb”

-      The number of Plural noun, verb singular
-      A number of plural noun, verb plural

-      A number of student are late today
Sejumlah mahasiswa telat hari ini
(student = plural noun, are = plural verb)
-      The number of student in this class is 40
Jumlah mahasiswa dikelas ini 40
(student in this class = plural noun, is = singular verb)

1.     The subject you will be studying in this course. (is,are) listed in sylabus.
2.    The profesor & the student (agree,agress) on that point.
3.    Almost every profesor & student at the university (approves,approve) the choice of the new president.
4.    Why (was,were) yoko & alex late for the meeting?
5.    Some of fruit in this bowl (is,are) rosten.
6.    Most of movies (is,are) funny.
7.    Half of this money (is,are)
8.    A lot of clothing in those store (is,are) on sale this week
9.    The number of employee in my company (is,are) approzimately ten thousand
10. Why (was,were) some of the student excused from the examination?